Beautiful Skin from the inside out - According to Science

Project your Beauty from inside out

Why do we all care so much about our skin?

So how does our skin look on the outside reflect on how we are on the inside?

While this may seem like a radical statement for those of you lacking self-esteem or those who don't consider themselves much of a beauty, it's true. When you lose weight or gain weight, your face will change shape and when you do not exercise, your body will follow suit by gaining weight.

Let's look at it from an outside perspective. It's a clear reflection of what's going on inside. If you're stressed out and worried about the future, your skin will show it. If you're happy and hopeful for the future, your skin will show it. If you're feeling positive and excited about life in general, your skin will reflect that. And if you're feeling negative and pessimistic about life in general? Your skin will reflect that too!

If you know how you feel on the inside and the outside of your body—and if you can change that by figuring out what really matters to you—then your outer appearance will change too.

And you know what's good is that this has been proven by SCIENCE!

The British Journal of Dermatology, in a “meta-study”, found that changing negative thought patterns and cultivating a meditation practice helped heal skin diseases and inflammation in more than 900 patients across 22 studies.

Now if this doesn't convince you that taking care of your heart, mind, health and soul is essential for you to look good then it's up to you.




Men are exposed to extreme stress and pressure 

Men, you're going to want to read this.

We all know that men have it rough—but we don't mean that in a negative way. It's just that being a man means having the weight of the world on your shoulders—literally and figuratively. You're responsible for providing for your family, keeping everything running smoothly at work (even when it's not), and making sure the house is clean, but you also have to make time for yourself now and then.

That's why we're sharing this article with you guys: to help you find peace and balance in your daily life so that you can maintain that glowing aura of yours!

We know that you're busy, and we know that you don't have time to read a whole article.

So we've broken down our top 5 tips for men to maintain their glowing aura into a few easy-to-digest points.

1) Take care of yourself: There are two kinds of men: those who take care of themselves (you!) and those who take care of others (not you). The first kind of man is the one who's going to look like a million bucks, because he's been working his butt off to make sure his skin is tight, his hair is healthy, and all the other things that make him look good. The second kind of man is the one who's going to look like he just rolled out of bed in sweatpants and no shirt, because he hasn't been taking care of himself—which means he's not going to be able to hold up his end in relation to other people's perceptions of him.

2) Keep it real: It's hard enough being a man in this world—don't make it harder by pretending to be someone else! If your friends or family see you looking tired or sad or angry all the time, they're going to start treating you differently.

3) Stop being a control freak: This is one of our basic rule here in THE MAN. You have to understand that there are things that is out of your control so don't try to push yourself to control everything. We believe in letting go and letting things flow. We believe that there is nothing more important than having fun while doing what you love. So stop worrying on things that you don't have any control. If you had a mistake, Man Up! Take the responsibility and correct it! That's a sign of a True and responsible man. You'll save tons of emotions, anger and time if you follow this.

4. You can't do it all, but you can do what's important: You are not the only person who matters! If you feel like something is important enough to you, then it's important enough to other people as well. Stop worrying! Patience is a virtue remember? The more we push ourselves to do everything even if we know that we've maxed out our bandwidth, the more stress you'll feel everyday.

5. Always forgive: You don't know how much time and power you're giving away to the person who have wronged you when you don't let go of that anger. Always remember that you're doing it for yourself and not for them. 


It is important to have a sound knowledge regarding health and beauty which will reduce the chances of any pimple break outs. Similarly, maintaining proper diet will also improve your skin's texture and give it a flawless look. Hence, it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle and love yourself.


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